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The interdisciplinary entrepreneurship network.

The Entrepreneurship Center Network (ECN) is the interdisciplinary entrepreneurship network of Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences. The ECN promotes and supports entrepreneurial thinking and action and is committed to cross-university networking. We currently have more than 30 universities in our network.

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FH Joanneum

The Institute of International Management and Entrepreneurship at FH JOANNEUM offers students, researchers/teachers and partner institutions a wide range of opportunities in the field of entrepreneurship: Master's degree programs, Gloabal Entrepreneurship Monitor Austria and practice-oriented research and in-house workshop.


Karl Franzens Universität Graz

The Unicorn (Startup and Innovation Hub) is the interface between business and science on the University of Graz campus. One focus is on supporting spin-offs from research and networking established companies with young start-ups and science.


Medizinische Universität Graz

The technology transfer team also supports all employees, students and graduates who are interested in setting up a business and advises on funding and networking opportunities.


Montanuniversität Leoben

The Center for Applied Technology (ZAT) is the start-up center in Leoben and has over 20 years of experience in the professional support of innovative, technology-oriented start-up projects. As an incubator, ZAT offers financial support, infrastructure and consulting services for all aspects of business start-ups.


Technische Universität Graz

Entrepreneurial thinking is a top priority at TU Graz: numerous employees and students develop business ideas, found start-ups and put innovative ideas into practice.