The FHStartup Center at the FH Salzburg
The FHStartup Center, as one of the four service points of the Startup Salzburg initiative, is available to all alumni, employees and students of the FH Salzburg who show an interest in founding a company or want to found a startup. The central component of the support offered is individual support for people with business ideas and potential start-ups:
- Idea creation phase: we support idea providers in identifying and jointly developing new, sustainable business models
- Pre-foundation and foundation phase: we help to implement and professionalize the project. The most promising projects become #FHStartup Fellows and benefit from individual mentoring sessions, use of the co-working space on the Urstein campus and the associated technical infrastructure.
In addition to personal coaching...
- ...we ignite the entrepreneurial mindset of interested parties, e.g. with inspiring talks at the Homecoming Startups event.
- ...we promote the development of entrepreneurial skills, e.g. through a cross-university, start-up-specific and monthly training program, our Entrepreneurship ABCs.
- ...we initiate the development of new ideas in various ideation workshops, ideas competitions and hackathons.